Join the news publishing revolution
We publish more than 150 digital newspapers globally with aggregated and in-house news. Join us and run one of our new newspapers or create your own on a shared revenue basis.
We publish over 150 digital newspapers globally
We offer other publishers a free white label digital news application with full content collaboration. Write and publish your articles in the platform, and display them on your own publication as well as others.
AI to reach the right audience.
Our platform will associate locations and concepts to your content. Meanwhile, our readers can set their location and choose which concepts to follow. We deliver bespoke news specific to every user’s profile!
Make money out of your publication.
NewsPutsch offers multiple opportunities to earn revenue. You may put a price on your individual articles, sell subscriptions to gain full access to all of them, and make money through advertising and selling other people’s articles on your publication. Payments are easy and secure.
Our core value
We provide full content collaboration and features to any publisher, either established or aspiring. We ensure you are in control of your digital content.
NewsPutsch is a collective revolution in publishing.
“Our policy ensures that professional and responsible journalism is rewarded.”
A win-win revenue model
NewsPutsch provides publishers and aspiring publishers with a free white label digital news application with full content collaboration. It also offers multiple opportunities to make revenue from the content, including:
Charge for your content, and get paid for those paid articles that are sold through your platform.
We offer free, premium and business premium subscriptions and charge for selected articles by way of micro syndication.
Book and display advertisements in your portal, to make additional revenue.
External advertising
Premium publishers may add external scripts to display external ads, for a monthly fee of $1000.
If your current digital publishing costs are too great, or you've never had the resources to establish a publishing company before, you can now with NewsPutsch.
Pay only as you generate revenue!